This Week’s News: – Don’t fall Victim to the WannaCry Virus & Backup

As most of you are aware that a global malware attack infected 100’s of 1000’s computers, this included home user to corporate giants.

What should you do so that you will not fall victim to this….

Keep all your computers up to date with all the latest updates & patches

Keep your antivirus software updated, if you do not want to pay for it there are plenty of vendors out there that will offer you a free alternative

Keep at least 3 copies of your files

  1. Network Backup also known as NAS Backup
  2. Hidden External Hard Drive
  3. Cloud Backup i.e. Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox

At least do a backup once a week but if you have enough storage and time backup every day

For windows user you backup by copying these folders to your backup devices, if you have more than one user account on the computer do this for every account.

First open explore and click Computer or My Computer, click users, then the users.


  1. Contacts
  2. Desktop
  3. Documents
  5. Favourites
  6. Links
  7. Pictures

Right Click copy, go over to the external drive create a new folder with today date and within that create another folder with the users name and paste into that.

This way you will have a staggered copy of your files with different dates just in case the file you wanted was corrupted on the previous backup.

Keep Safe and backup……….

Wishing Everyone A Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year