Samaritan’s comment

Yesterday, Julia Ginns a member of the Northampton Samaritans ask us for some help with the installation of some new IT equipment they have received, we gladly helped and because of that we received a lovely comment on our Facebook page, Thank you for the comment.

Julia Ginns comment

” Thank You! to GT-Systems, Gehric, supports our computers at Northampton Samaritans and has spent nearly all day today setting up our new Chromeboxes. We’re SO GRATEFUL!! Thank you again for helping us keep up to date so we can support our callers.
Samaritans – 116123 – freephone “

The Northampton Samaritans are one of our chosen charities we are happy to support

If you looking for IT help and support, go to our Contact Us Page fill out the form and one of our skilled technicians will call you back

Wishing Everyone A Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year